Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Two Years...

My first year of teaching I taught Kindergarten, exactly the age that I wanted.  When the opportunity to move up with my class to first grade, I was so excited. I loved my first class and was glad to already know the parents and students, as well as their needs and personalities.  

On the last day of school this year, I said goodbye (for real this time) to my first students as they left to get ready to move on to second grade. Here is the video I made for them. I'm so glad that I was crazy about taking pictures of absolutely everything that they had done these last two years. It made for a sweet gift to give to the parents and something I'll keep forever myself! Now to delete 1,000 images from my phone...

Monday, June 3, 2013

First Grade is a Hoot

While perusing Pinterest last summer, I came across the most fabulous website for teachers: Schoolgirl Style!  I spent countless hours searching through Melanie's themes and ideas for classroom decor and organization. I finally settled on her Owl Collection and decided my theme for the school year would be First Grade is a Hoot! Take a look at the pictures of my little classroom from this past school year...

First Grade is a Hoot! 

I printed my owls on t-shirt transfer material and just ironed it on. Be careful! If your design has words, you have to change your printer settings so that it prints a mirror image. Tricky, tricky.

Owl lunch choice sticks

 I loved my pennant banner. It added some fun to my boring white board!

I got my podium at the local thrift store for $10!!! A little (okay, maybe a lot) of spray paint, and it was good to go! And I couldn't pass up this rug at Ross for $4!

 Name tags for hanging hooks

My computer desk

 My students always looked at my desk to write my last name on their sweet little notes. 

 Back of the room

 From the front

 Ready for students!

These pictures were all taken before school started last year.  I love a warm, inviting, and fun classroom! I spend more of my waking hours there than I do at home, so it should be cozy! Don't you think?
Now that it's summertime, everything is all packed away and my room is empty. Time to plan for next year, although I am not sure what to do with the menagerie of  owls that have been given to me this school year! 

Have you checked out Go take a look! You won't be sorry.


Rookie Blogger...

When I logged in on today to view my unpublished blog (the one you're reading right now), I was reminded that my last login was in 2011.  That's right, two years ago, my friends.  I see all of the amazing teachers who strut their stuff on their blogs, Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers and think, "Do these people ever sleep? Do they actually teach real children or do they share stories and ideas for imaginary students? Do they really have husbands/families to take care of on top of that or do they just Photoshop them into their galleries and About Me pages?" 

I've come to the conclusion that the multitude of ladies who teach/blog/parent/wife (yes, I made that a verb, thank you) must really just have it all together. Much respect, teacher/bloggers. One of my best friends, who just happens to be a teacher AND a blogger has encouraged me to start this little blog for a while now. I'm sure she is silently correcting my grammar as she reads. 
It's summer and although the calendar is still pretty full with school and summer camp related items, I have decided to write a post or two and see how things go...
I just finished my second year of teaching at a Christian school in North Carolina and according to one of the veteran male teachers in my building, I'll be a rookie until year five. Thank you, Mr. D, thank you. 
So, here I am...blogging. I promise the next post will be something very interesting that will enhance your classroom experience. Promise. Stay with me and I will show you my cute little classroom and all of its happenings!
If you've made it this far, congratulations. You may have one skittle from the candy jar on my desk. Good job! 
